About Me
Glass beads...probably my favorite topic currently...I learned to make lampwork beads about 5 years ago...I had been stalking lampwork beads at a local bead gallery for quite some time when the owner told me she was hosting a class with instructor Larry Brickman...I signed up and never looked back! Like a morning ritual... turning on the kiln, the oxygen concentrators, dipping mandrels, choosing the glass for the day, lighting the torch....melting the glass, pulling stringers and twisties...finally relaxing into a good blues tune and forming the beads...this is my work...and I love it!!!
My life...I started my life in Georgia...spent several years in Alabama, every summer and most Christmas' in Florida. Moved to Washington state in late 60's...traveled around the NW with an old time jug band..lots of fun...spent time in Alaska working in the fishing industry...just to experience Alaska...beautiful state! Met and married my best friend, Rick, 30 years ago...settled in the foothills of the coastal mountains here in Oregon, just 10 minutes from the Pacific Ocean. Spent the next 30 years raising our family. I enjoy gardening, fishing, canning, sewing, ATV'ing and spending time with my family...wonderful family dinners and get togethers. I have one kitty...Purr Purr...a little tuxedo kitty, actually a huge tuxedo kitty...that has a great healing purr...and gives sweet little kitty bumps and kisses and we love very much!
Thanks for visiting...Patti
Here's a couple quick shots of our great hunter!!!
  He was baffled on what to do when I shut the door and wouldn't let him enter with his wonderful prize!